Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Moving On - Pt12 (END)

It's been a year and four months now that you've lived here, the other group took off in the middle of winter, taking tons of your stuff with them.  Somehow they managed to drain the well behind your back, and now its time for your group to pack up and move on.

You call a group meeting, you know this is going to be hard for so many of your group to hear, but you need to find a new place to stay, or else you will all die.  

You explain that dan and his group did what he had already said, move on.  You explain they will pay for doing this, and that you will follow their trail, and you have an idea where they were going.  So your group packs up and gets moving, its a tough walk of shame, but you all know it has to be done.  You spend weeks on the road, camping in small buildings ect until you manage to catch up with good ol dan and he group.

Your group hangs back, and you watch them for awhile.  They seemed to have made a old truck bed into a pull along thing, and your water is in the back of it.  Looks like it takes at least 10 people to pull it.  You notice their leader going off into a ditch, odds are to either take a piss or shit.  So you decide to sneak up on him, sure enough he is taking a shit.  You sneak up to him, put your gun to his head and tell him not to make a sound or move.  As you get in front of him, he is pale as a ghost, you smile and tell him, what you think we wouldn't track you down?  You tell him to clean his ass up and make him self decent.  Which he does.  He tries to explain, but you are not having it.  You tell him to give back what they stole, and you will consider letting them all go.  He shakes his head, he says he can't do that.  His group voted to do what they did, and that is what it is.  You are really pissed now, you explain the agreement, and that they should of known better.  Trust is earned, and yet they took you for a fool, and now it's their time to pay.  Your group outnumbers them, and surrounds them, with guns pointed you tell your group to move in.  With this, you tell their leader to get moving, once the other group is disarmed, your group takes it all, and your 2nd in command wants to leave food for the kids here.  Yeah, we can do that, take their ammo, leave their guns, least they can look the part still.

Once you have what was taken plus more, you move on.  The other group just vanishes.  You find something on your way.  An old military bunker, so you check it out, lucky it's not in use, so your group makes a vote, we stay here for now on.  Funny enough, it has a stock pile of water, and even a well.

Fast Forward 4 years >>>>>>

Your group has been doing good, anyone around you knows who you all are.  After 4 years of living here, reports are coming in that the government is coming back together, cleaning up city's, getting power back on ect.  It will be a long time before everything comes back around, but your group has still choose to stay here until that time comes.


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