Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Water Source drying up.. - Pt8 (Pt2)

You explaining anything to these guys is not working.  You now only have a choice to bluff them into thinking they are surrounded by your men.  You play your bluff, but it seems only the leader is not buying it.  However, you explain to him, to just drop this load of water, and go back to his camp and leave, as you already know they are packed and ready.  Some reason he agrees, and they leave the water and go back to their camp.  It is now that you realize the following:

1. Trust must now be earned by all groups/people before they are allowed to get their own food/water from your sources.

2. It's time to create bluff plans, make sure you know them, and your group knows them well.

3. Don't deal with well armed groups/people, bluff them if you must.

4. Don't let other groups inhabit other area's around your area, unless they have earned your trust.

5. Scout Spy's, have a few group members check in on another group, making sure they take notes of their area and whatever else is needed.

It's your call, do as you see fit when the time comes.

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