Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Gone at last! - Pt9

The other group has taken off, and its been about 4 hours from the time they left, you are still not sure if they will try to double back on you, so you keep your group at the ready.  You and a small group of men decide to check out the other groups old camp, maybe they left something, but odds are they didn't.  As you near the gate, its been left unlatched, but chained and locked..  This throws up red flags to you and your group.  You consider that they may have planned to double back sooner or later, and didn't want anyone to over take this place.  Why would anyone lock up an abandoned camp?  Unless they planned on returning, and left supplies in one of the houses.

You decide to just cut the chain, and as you swing the gate open, nothing happens.  Glad for that you and your men move in, in a tight pack, watching every little thing around you.  You check the first house top to bottom, nothing but clothes used to wipe their asses, this must of been their shit house.. :/

You come to the 2nd house, and the windows and doors are locked.... Strange...  So without questioning it, you kick in the door.  You and your men walk threw the whole house, find torn clothes, old shoes, but nothing worth locking the house up.  You move threw house 3 & 4 without problems, and find nothing of value.  However, house 5 seems to have been their HQ of sorts, and you peer into the window, you can see maps and other items.  Once inside, you search thew the house, find a small amount of food, and ammo, and notes and maps.  You decide to take the food, leave the notes and maps, and stage the place in the off chance they try to come back.

Water Source drying up.. - Pt8 (Pt2)

You explaining anything to these guys is not working.  You now only have a choice to bluff them into thinking they are surrounded by your men.  You play your bluff, but it seems only the leader is not buying it.  However, you explain to him, to just drop this load of water, and go back to his camp and leave, as you already know they are packed and ready.  Some reason he agrees, and they leave the water and go back to their camp.  It is now that you realize the following:

1. Trust must now be earned by all groups/people before they are allowed to get their own food/water from your sources.

2. It's time to create bluff plans, make sure you know them, and your group knows them well.

3. Don't deal with well armed groups/people, bluff them if you must.

4. Don't let other groups inhabit other area's around your area, unless they have earned your trust.

5. Scout Spy's, have a few group members check in on another group, making sure they take notes of their area and whatever else is needed.

It's your call, do as you see fit when the time comes.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Water Source drying up.. - Pt8

Its summer, its hot out there and it has not rained in weeks, by the way things are going, the water source will dry up in a few days time.  Your own water reserves are almost tapped, and its time for a big water gather.  Once you get there, its just as you thought, almost gone, as you proceed to the filling area, the other group is filling lots of bottles.  Once out of your truck, you proceed to stop their filling.  You explain that the agreement between the two groups, and that right now they are done because they half have a truck load.  The main guy disagrees and tells you they can take as much as they want.  You tell one of your guys to go get the leader of their group.

You explain to the leader that his guys are taking more than the agreement allows, that sharing is apart of both groups, and no one group gets it all or more than they are allowed.  As he explains that he is collecting 2 weeks worth of water because they are leaving tomorrow.  He is just taking what is theirs to go.  This however does not go down well with you, as you explain that the agreement forbids taking extra water if the group has decided to move on.  This really makes the other group mad, and they keep claiming it theirs.

More to come! ;)

Not Gone... Still There... - Pt7

Your scouts report that this other group is setting up a big camp near the water source where you get all your water.  So what is your next move?  What can you do to protect your water source?

1. Try talking to them first, try to draw up a peace plan and water sharing agreement. If that fails, go to step 2.

2. Draw up an attack plan.  (You need this plan to be flawless, you need to keep it simple, but effective.)

3. Limit ammo.  (Its going to be hard to do, but save what you can)

4. Backup Plan, never leave home without it

5. If you have too, use gas to set houses a blaze

If you mange to set up a peace and water sharing agreement, make sure you have people at the water source as much as you can.  

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Pill Bottle Survival Kit #1

This simple to compile set of items all capable of fitting into a pill bottle, alone could save your life in any number of survival scenarios.

-3 mini straw fire starters
-3 matches
-1 bandage
-1 striker
-1 hook
-1 weight
-some fishing line
-razor blade
-2 safety pins
-3 feet of duct tape
-2 advils
-1 birthday candle
-whistle made from straw
-Neosporin in a straw
-salt in a straw

This is one of several variations that you can come up with.  I will be posting more about these later on in this blog.