Friday, December 14, 2012

Escaping the City - Pt2

Your stuck in your office, before the power went out, an official source told everyone over the radio to evac the city.  It's been almost 2 weeks from that announcement and you really need to leave, simply put, you are almost out of water and food.

1. Find something to carry bottles of water and food (example a briefcase)

2. Find something you can defend yourself with (your in some kind of business, there has to be SOMETHING sharp around you)

3. Make your way to your car (just hope nobody has taken the gas yet!)

4. Get the hell outta there!

5. Don't stop for anything or anyone!  Just get to where you are going!

6. Once you reach the place you wanted to go, scout the area from inside your car.

7.  If you feel it is safe, then get your ass inside where ever it is you went.

Now that you've made it (I hope), its time to start making your place a safe zone. 
You are going to need supplies, but thats for the next post!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the long delay. Been way too busy for blogging.
