Friday, December 21, 2012

"Hoard of Survivors" - Pt6

One of the scouts reports a "hoard" of survivors coming your way.  You notice that some in your group are showing signs of emoticon.  Some are glad to hear it, while others fear it.  You don't know what these people will do when they get close, or anything for that matter.  

You need to take action now.  Put Plan A out on the table and get it going.  

As this group gets closer, you can see military type vehicles, and lots of uniformed people.  As this group approaches your area, they notice you.  As they slow to a halt and stop in front of your place, a guy hops out of the lead truck.  Before you speak to anyone, you are informed by one of your group members that Plan A is ready.

You decided to meet with this groups leader at your front gate armed..

You know Plan A is ready, and while talking one of your guys pulls you to the side...
"They've gotten us blocked in on all sides..."

*(Anything can happen, what I write below here is just an example story line type deal, it may not happen..)*

Plan A is a failure, so you start Plan B.
You notice the other groups leader getting a little bit edgy while talking..  He is up to something.
He flat out tells you "either you join us and share what you have, or we take it."

You crack a smile and tell him its not worth his group getting killed over a small amount of food.  You let him know that you have eyes all over the area, and if you must fight, you will do so.

As the leader of this other group is informed that there are people in these other houses..  Plan B has been set into motion.  The pale color of this guys face says it all, as he and his group proceed to back off and leave.

Not Gone... Still There... - Pt7(Next)

Time to play it safe - Pt5

You've managed to get everything completed.  Heck you may have a few months of food and water  saved up now.  It's time to play it safe, and by that I mean take it easy, but not too easy.

1. Keep your group working on daily tasks, and let them know that even though you've not seen many people around, does not mean someone is not watching...

2. Daily or Bi-Daily drills.  Do these with your group so they know what to do if they ever need to make a run for it.

3.  Keep security tight.  Don't let it slack too much, keep them on alert.

4.  Scouting.  Now that it has become a bit "relaxed" you may want to consider this option.  However give them a time limit on how long they need to be gone.  A normal scouting missing may take up to 5 hours or maybe less, depending on how far you are going.  Give them an hour to get there, 3 to look around, and 1 to get back.

5.  Never let anyone get too relaxed.  You may spend weeks or months with nothing happening around you.  Then again, you may not.

"Hoard of Survivors" - Pt6 (Next)

12/21/12 - Still Here!

Nothing Happened...

"Tard" The Grumpy Cat has the right mind set.  :3

Friday, December 14, 2012

Weapons - Pt4

You've done it!  You have yourself a group of maybe 10 people (example).  Your only problem now is defending yourself from those who want to take what you have.  You are limited to knifes and 3 guns and have limited ammo.  Your fear of scouting further than your safe zone has come true, you need to find food and water, and more weapons and ammo.  You have some hard choices to make...

1. Take one gun and a small hand full of ammo.  This is your "last resort" for anyone.

2. Know your area!  

3.  Once you are near your goal area, try to be fast as you can.

4.  If you find what you need, grab as much as you can carry, and then get the hell outta there.

5.  While you are at it, try finding some first aid kits.

6. Get back to your safe zone!! 

Your almost home free, but what is this?!  5 to 6 people in front of your safe zone...
Time to play it safe - Pt5

Safe Zone Fortification - Pt 3

It's time to make your place safe, and you need to act quick.  If you have a plan, then move on it.  You need to make sure that you do everything you can to prevent anyone from entering your safe zone, unless you let them in.

1. Scout the area, maybe your near more houses and chances are, they maybe already abandoned.

2. Supplies - hammers, nails, screws, wood, chains, rope, and anything else that can be useful in your fortification process.

3. Secure all windows and doors

4. Evac plans (you never know, if your fortification fails, you need a one way out.)

5. Even if the 2nd floor looks safe, many will still attempt to access it, heavy objects and help block windows and doors.

6. Help people that you know. (If you know them from the area, let them know what you are doing, and that it will be much safer at your place and to bring supplies and food.)

You need to remember, don't force someone to join you.  If they feel safer where they are, then let them be, but no matter what, try to help them if they really need it.
Next up.  Weapons - Pt4

Escaping the City - Pt2

Your stuck in your office, before the power went out, an official source told everyone over the radio to evac the city.  It's been almost 2 weeks from that announcement and you really need to leave, simply put, you are almost out of water and food.

1. Find something to carry bottles of water and food (example a briefcase)

2. Find something you can defend yourself with (your in some kind of business, there has to be SOMETHING sharp around you)

3. Make your way to your car (just hope nobody has taken the gas yet!)

4. Get the hell outta there!

5. Don't stop for anything or anyone!  Just get to where you are going!

6. Once you reach the place you wanted to go, scout the area from inside your car.

7.  If you feel it is safe, then get your ass inside where ever it is you went.

Now that you've made it (I hope), its time to start making your place a safe zone. 
You are going to need supplies, but thats for the next post!