Sunday, February 9, 2014

More Bad Blood - Pt11

The other group decided to take you up on the limited help, and even though they are hostile about you being around, you make it clear as glass that you are only here to help and nothing more, while this puts some of the group at rest, others still don't want you around at all.  
You report back to your group, tell them that you are going to help them some, but you can only give them limited help due to the fact your group comes first.  You gather a small amount of supply's in a box (water, food, first aid stuff, meds ect...) and you also disarm yourself with no weapons to show them respect and that you are not currently a threat to them.  
As you walk up to their gates, the group owner only lets you in, only because you have no weapons.  You had him the supply's and tell him you can only give small limited amount, and he nods to you and asks you to sit for a few.  You spend a few hours talking about this and that, but nothing important about your groups.  You decide to switch topics, and start talking about your group and that you have almost been in this area for about a year now or so.  

You explain that the area's resource's are almost dried up if not already and that the water source you had is almost gone too.  You also explain about the last group who was here that you had an agreement with decided to start stealing water because they wanted to move on after a few months and that you couldn't let them get away with it, so you ran them off.  After this, the other group leader seems to open up to you explaining that his group is always on the move because they can never find a really safe place from anyone.  

You nod your head and tell him that was the same thing for your group for a long time, and that this place seems safe enough and that hardly anyone passes by anymore.  You tell the other groups leader *Dan* that you are always looking for more information on the areas out there in the "wild".  You ask if they passed through the city, and he says yes, but it was bad, nothing really left and lots of gangs fighting for anything they can get, its best to stay clear of any city.  He notes that many smallish towns seem to be left alone for the most part, and that is how they made their way here.  You tell him the town just a few miles down the road has been picked clean by your group.  Dan nods to you, says he figured it was already gone when he saw your group.

You tell dan that he should talk to his group and explain that both groups can combine efforts in keeping this area safe, and work together to better both groups.
[Some kind of peace agreement and work agreement ect.]

Dan nods to the idea, but explains that lots of his group won't trust yours because many others have back stabbed them before, and now they don't like joining forces with other groups of people.  Dan can see the good in you, and the respect and trust, as he tell you.  He will try to get people on board with the idea, and maybe have a huge group meeting between both groups.

You nod, and say that is a good idea, and decide to call it a day.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Pill Bottle Survival Kit #2

This simple to compile set of items all capable of fitting into a pill bottle, alone could save your life in any number of survival scenarios.

-1 Mini Flashlight with AAA Battery
-3 Grinding/Cutting Discs (taken from dremel tool kit)
-5 Q-Tips taped together for storge
-1 very long piece of thread
-2 sewing needles
-2 Thumb Tacks
-1 Sharping Stone (for knifes and razor blades ect)
-3 packs of powered aspirin

This is #2, and adds a few more items that can be very useful to you along with Pill Bottle #1.

The Return - Pt10

Your scouts report that a small group of people have stopped off at the old groups location, you ask if they can tell if its the same people or new.  Unable to tell, you gather a small group and proceed to the area to speak with this other group.  You notice that they seem really hostile to your group, and want nothing to do with you and just ask you to leave.  You refuse to leave, and ask to peak with the group leader, who won't come close to you.  So you explain that they may use this old camp, and that they are some what close to your group and that you will defend your area if they attempt anything.  You decide to also explain that if they are willing, both groups can help each other on on limited basis.  


#1. Even though they are hostile, they have yet to threaten you, or attack you, which could be a good sign, or a sign of bad things to come.  Odds are they will tell you to screw off, and you should just leave them alone, just keep eyes on them so they can't get too close.

#2. They accept your offer of limited help, and both groups coexist for a while until your group or the other gets tired of the crap and decides to either move on or possibly attack you.

Either one could happen, so keep your heads up.