Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Escaping the City - Pt2 *Delayed*

Sorry everyone, Part 2 will be up soon.  I just wanted to post this so everyone would know.  I'm just a little be more busy than I though I would be, so keep an eye out for the next part!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2. Escaping the City - Pt1

2. Escaping the City - Pt1

The apocalypse has happened, you are stuck in your work building on the 30th floor.. You've been here for almost 2 weeks and are running low on water and food.  Some of your co/workers have already left, but you decided it would be better to stay here for awhile...  Now that your water and food are almost gone, you have to choose what the next step is.  Should you stay and search the building for more food/water or should you make a mad dash for your home?

If you choose to make a mad dash for home, you need to plan for it.

Stay tuned for Part 2 Tomorrow!

1. Survival and Protection

Survival and Protection

For anyone, this should be the first thing that comes to you when/if the apocalypse happens.  You need to plan out what you need to do before hand, and make sure you stick to it.  

1. Gather all your food and store it in a safe place along with pans and items you can use to cook with.
2. Lock all doors and windows (if at all possible, block windows with tables or something else)
3. If you still have running water, start filling up sinks and your bathtub and other items that can carry it.
4. Arm yourself with what you have, guns, knifes, heavy pans ect..
5. Have an escape plan ready
6. Have a fall back escape plan if your main escape plan fails
7. Gas.  If you can store it, do it.
8. If friends join you, stock pile their food and water with yours, and their weapons and ammo and take charge over the group.
9. Don't Panic!

The first thing on your list should be food.  Get everything that can be saved and used to a safe location and if you can, lock it up.  Don't forget your pans!!  If your going to survive, no matter how much food you have, you need to start conserving it from the start.

Locking Doors and Windows
The next thing is to make your place as safe as you can.  Locking windows and doors will help, and you may need to block some windows to make them safer.  

We all know water will be a big factor if/when the apocalypse happens, so its your best bet to get your bottles, milk jugs, sinks and bathtubs filled if you still can.  If other items can hold water, use them too.  You can't live long without it, and we all know it.  If you have a water filter container, its your best bet to grab that and store it also, you will need it.

Arming Yourself
You are going to need weapons, in case something does happen.  Guns, knifes, heavy frying pans, saws, ect...  If its sharp, or has a point, consider it a weapon.  

Escape Plans
Don't ever think your plan can't fail, even once you have sat down and talked it over with your family or group.  Even the best plans have flaws, and may not work when the time comes to use them.  You need to have everything at a hands grab, ready to go if you need to run.  ALWAYS have a backup plan at the ready, if the main one fails.

If you can store it, do it.  This will keep you from having to walk, atleast for a little while.  This will become a rare item just like water and food.  If you choose to look for more once you are running low, do that at your own risk.

Friends and Family Joining You
If any friends or family join you, let them know that you are stock piling their food, water, weapons, ammo ect.. with yours.  You are also in charge of this group, and that you will see to it that the food and water is not wasted.

Don't Panic
The worst thing you can do is panic.  You need to start thinking and preping.  

Welcome to The Unofficial Apocalypse Guide!

Welcome!  I decided to call this "Unofficial" because its just that.  I wanted to share what I think is important for an apocalypse, if one were to ever happen.  Each blog post will be named with a part of the guide.  I hope you enjoy what I have to say!